Sunday, August 12, 2007

7th August 2007- Senate Question Time

Today’s Question Time focused primarily on Finance issues. The questions raised highlighted our government’s tendency to throw money at ventures in order to raise public support. In particular recent concern over the lack of costing before public announcement of ventures was raised. For example, the recent accusations that the PM announced the funding being provided for Mercy West Hospital before it was costed was raised with additional reference to the $10 million water plan and $500 million NT Intervention. The fact that this behaviour is commonly being referred to as an desperate attempt by Howard to cling to power raises the concern that national decisions are being made based on popularity as opposed to national interest.

I think that serious consideration should also be given to the reality that despite Rudd’s claims that he is a fiscal conservative, his government intends to increase borrowing by $80 billion over a 4 year period. Personally I think Labour is a better candidate but acknowledgement must be given to the fact that apart from plans to achieve 60% cuts in carbon positions and reform of the current Industrial Relations system the Labour Government does tend to have a lack of solid policy. Australia at the moment is in a relatively strong financial position with the Howard government essentially removing our debt- I just wonder if increasing it again, even if for positive developments within Australian society is a viable option in the long run.

Telstra’s NEXT G network is still failing to meet the coverage standards of CDMA for rural and regional Australians- the government however is successfully managing the system and in my opinion quite successfully and openly. The new licensing agreement ensuring that Telstra will maintain CDMA coverage until Next G meets its standards is a promising and reassuring approach for rural and regional Australians and perhaps a step forward for open Liberal policy and procedure!

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